// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.5 2010/04/07 06:29:34 JacobSingh Exp $ CHANGELOG for Media module. =========================== by aaron: Comment out pager from media library browser. by aaron: Fix fatal error when a file doesn't exist in markup. by aaron: Add ->override['browser'] so thumbs may be themed specially. by aaron: Clean up browser variables. #692618 by aaron: Tie in pager to query & theme. #692618 by aaron: Continue adding pager support. by aaron: Clean up json output for AJAX call. #613782 by aaron: Add an empty message when there are no media. #692618 by aaron: Begin framework to allow library paging. #697106 by aaron: Allow modules to define & alter default streams & conditions. #697106 by aaron: Send default conditions & streams to browser library. #697106 by aaron: Filter fid's on conditions when filtering on stream. #697106 by aaron: Begin support for stream filter to media_browser_list(). #694520 by aaron: check for !isset($default) in media_variable_get(). #694520 by aaron: Remove all media namespace variables on uninstall. #694520 by aaron: Add media_variable_del(). #694520 by aaron: Remove use of &drupal_static() for the variable defaults. #694520 by aaron: Allow media_variable_default() to return all variables. #694520 by aaron: Use &drupal_static() for the variable defaults. #694520 by aaron: Document the variable namespace registry. #692786 by aaron: Prefill description in browser file selector. #692592 by aaron: Add AJAX preview for media from url. #692592 by aaron: Add media-add_from_url.js. #692592 by aaron: Begin preview for from url form. #692592 by aaron: Allow stream wrappers to validate & parse url's. #692592 by aaron: Add hook_media_parse. by aaron: Rename the Media module. by aaron: Remove the media_emfield module. by aaron: Add a wysiwyg flag to filter for youtube & the like. by aaron: Add cache_media_xml table to schema. by aaron: Add media_retrieve_xml(). by aaron: Allow for WYSIWYG attribute overrides. by aaron: t('Format') in media_format_form(). by aaron: Change _parse_url in MediaReadOnlyStreamWrapper to explode on ://. #671744 by aaron: Fix redirect after uploading new media from content admin. #671744 by aaron: Fix error when uploading new media from media content admin. #673998 by aaron: Fix typo (s/view/video). #673998 by aaron: Move media type defs to hook_enable. #678588 by aaron: Fix undefined index error on node view. by aaron: Use the currently undocumented #attached property to load js & css. by aaron: Defer to the Styles module to route formatting for the 'file'. by aaron: Fix formatter build modes. by aaron: Prefix formatters with 'media_'. by aaron: Change default formatter to 'preview'. by aaron: hook_field_formatter is now hook_field_formatter_view. by aaron: Add blank settings/instance_settings to hook_field_info. by aaron: Change hook_field_widget to hook_field_widget_form. by JacobSingh: Begin work on new browser concept. by aaron: Toggle 'match type' value on media type administrative form. by aaron: Display administrative options only if we're handling the callback. by aaron: Add administrative options for match type. by aaron: Allow administrator to edit existing bundles. by aaron: Filter media type bundles by stream. by aaron: Fix various errors. by aaron: Begin work on formatters. by aaron: Add medium admin style. by aaron: Add preview. by aaron: Hyphens to underscores in #element. by aaron: Check for existance of data in media_get_fields(). by aaron: Grab proper fields in _media_content_fields(). by aaron: Implement hook_field_schema(). by aaron: Fix error on content type admin page. by aaron: Begin menu callback for admin/structure/media/. by aaron: Fix Warning: include_once(): Failed opening 'media_settings.inc' for inclusion. by JacobSingh: Implement of hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). by JacobSingh: Remove hook_permission implementation. by JacobSingh: Display content type admin overview page: admin/structure/media by JacobSingh: Tie in MediaEntityController to media_add_files_submit. by JacobSingh: Add menu callback for media_page_edit. by JacobSingh: MediaEntityController.php. by JacobSingh: Add media.fields.inc. by aaron: Add hacks so that Media: YouTube can work. by aaron: Attach subtab behaviors. by aaron: Temporarily hardcode load media youtube js in browser. by aaron: Integrate browser w/ optional Styles module. by aaron: Add get_parameters to remote stream wrapper. by aaron: Allow saving existing streams. by aaron: Implement ->url_stat() for filesize(). by aaron: Save remote streams. by aaron: Get MediaReadOnlyStreamWrapper in line with Drupal stream wrappers. by aaron: Add MediaReadOnlyStreamWrapper. by aaron: Add media_browser_thumbnails form element. by aaron: theme_media_browser_thumbnail_radios. by aaron: Coder review of concatenated spaces. by aaron: Parameters to hook_form_alter have changed. by aaron: Wrap js with (function($) {})(jQuery); for library compatibility. by aaron: Add settings to each js behavior. by aaron: Convert js behavior selection to once(). by aaron: Add attach methods to js behaviors. by aaron: Attach css & js to form using #attached element. by aaron: Convert class #attributes to arrays. by aaron: Fix php notices for $registration['callbacks']['resource']. by aaron: Update parameters to theme('image') call for d7. by aaron: Update parameters to theme('item_list') calls for d7. by aaron: Set static cache in media_get_fields() and fix notices for isset. by aaron: In media_get_registered_modules() fix notices for isset. by aaron: In media_active_fields_for_node_type() grab field info for d7. by aaron: Use file_get_field_list() to get a listing of node type's filefields. by aaron: $type is an object. by aaron: Move menu settings to media config. by aaron: Begin to fix content type settings page. by jmstacey: Drupal 7 compatability. * Update .info files. * Added necessary files to new registry. * Removed 'file' keys from hook_menu(). * Global media settings page fixed. by jmstacey: Code styling cleanup. by jmstacey: Untested rough sync up with D6 branch.